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Available on iOS and Android

Download now and start popping those bubbles!

The Team

Catapult Games is an indie studio based out of Lahore, Pakistan. We are a small team set out to make a mark in the casual games space on iOS and Android.

Bubble Connect

Bubble Connect is a game about popping bubbles by connecting them. Players have to connect as many same colored bubbles as they can in one minute.

  • Multiplayer - Play with your Facebook friends or random players
  • Special Power Ups - Wipe Out, Pop a Bubble and Color Clean
  • Cross-platform - Play one round on your phone, the next on your tablet
  • Single Player - Practice on your own or even without internet

Feel free to contact us

You can always reach us at

We're always looking forward to feedback, criticism, partners or just day-to-day hello's.